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10 IN 1 - Blogger Tutorial, (How to start a blog)

Complete Tutorial, design, and strategies to create blog & become a professional blogger.

Learn how to create a blog from the beginning to the end. See what you need to know as a blogger.
A blogger must not be too lazy to learn in order to have a successful career in blogging.

Blogger has made life easier by given solution to different kinds of problems people are facing nowadays.

However, you are a blogger for so many years, that doesn't mean you don't need more tutorial.

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Table of contents.

1. How to create a blog.
2. How to design a blog.
3. How to write good articles.
4. How to build up blog traffic (SEO).
5. How to make blog mobile/user friendly.
6. How to overthrow all blog competitors.

7. How to focus the real audience.
8. How to create a standard for your blog.
9. How to develop blog social campaign.
10. (10 ways) to make money with a blog.

Create your own blog today to grow your business and get connected with the right people.
We have provided the best Tutorial on how to create a blog. Click on the below link to get started.This is a simple guide to help you jump start your blogging career.You are in the right place if you want to become a professional blogger.

After you have created a good looking blog, the next thing is to design your blog.
You don't need to hire a professional blogger to do these for you, while the Tutorial below will teach you how to design a blog yourself.

Design is the frame and creatures of a blog, without design, a blog has no value and it is not completed has a blog.
Most bloggers goes for the best design in order to attract visitors to keep coming to their website again and again.
We have provided the best Tutorial on how to design your blog. Click on the below link to get started.

  • Now, it is time to share the best contents to audience from your blog by writing a good articles.
  • Facts: Articles is made up of blog, and blog is made up of articles.
  • The topic of your articles and how helpful they are to users will make users keep on coming and coming to read your articles.
  • Article writing is the Pilar of our blog.
  • A blog is made of article, and article is made for blog.
  • Your articles are what readers come to read on your blog, so you need to give them the best information they need.
  • Once a visitor to your blog in the first time get solution to his/her problem, that person will turn to your user by visiting your blog often and often to read more interesting articles.

  • Don't just think of writing article on your blog, think of how to compose an article that people are looking for? And also how to provide people the main goals they want from your article.
  • How can search engines, Google, Yahoo, Bing and others find your blog posts and rank it high. This is the next target you need to look after when writing your article.
  • We have provided the best Tutorial on how to write a good articles. Click on the below link to get started.

Next thing to do after finish writing your blog articles is build up your blog traffic by submitting your blog url and all pages to search engine, including Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex, Ask, Finder and others by the use of web master tools.

This is what consign you most, because a blog without visitors is like a voice heard by No one.

Build up a strong traffic from search engines and social media, then you can add more optimization later.
Click on this below image if you want to run ads on your blog and make money.

Don't joke with traffic, because all your blog need is a heavy traffic inorder to compete with other blog of the same niche.

We have provided the best Tutorial on how to build up blog traffic (SEO). Click on the below link to get started.

  • The next steps after submitting your sitemap to search engine is to make your blog user/mobile friendly.
  • Everyone will prefer to make use of a blog or website that is user friendly, which have a good mobile view.

  • A blog must have a good mobile view and easy navigation for user to feel comfortable when making use of the blog.
  • We have provided the best Tutorial on how to make blog user/mobile friendly. Click on the below link to get started.

Every blogger priority is to make his/her blog the best and users favorite.
All what you must be thinking everyday is how to overthrow all other bloggers that based on your niches. You must develop and make daily movement of your blog to be the most visited among other blogs that discussed your topics.

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There are many blog of your niche, so blogger must focus all the time, that he/she blog must be the best and users favorite when they are talking of the particular niche.
Search engine also must bring his website on top all result.

We have provided the best Tutorial on how to Overthrow all blog competitors. Click on the below link to get started.

  • Always focus your real audience with every single post that will be published on your blog.
  • Your audience are the valid and active users of your blog. Always feed them with the types of topic they like most.
  • We have provided the best Tutorial on how to focus the real audience. Click on the below link to get started.

The great job among all is to create a standard for your blog.
A blog without standard has no value.

Most blogger today doesn't know what blog standard is all about and how to do that.

We have provided the best Tutorial on how to create a standard for blog. Click on the below link to get started.

  • Great idea! of every bloggers is to create a social campaign for their blog.
  • Social media helps to build, develop, and generate maximum visitors to a blog.
  • It is a most to make your blog connected to your social media page for traffic boost.
  • Not every blogger, especially the new bloggers doesn't know how to developed social media campaigns for their blog.
  • Social media is the goal keeper of every bloggers. Social media make it easier for bloggers to share their webpages directly from their blog.
  • To make use of social media will generate a high rankings for your blog.
  • We have provided the best Tutorial on how to develop blog social campaigns. Click on the below link to get started.

The main goals of every bloggers is to make money with their blog.
It is only making sense when a blogger is making money with his/her blog. Any business that doesn't bring income is just a waste of time. So blogger itself needs to apply different formulas and ways to make money from their blog.

Not every bloggers know how to do this, that's why we are here to help you to secure your goals. So what's your profit if you are not making money in blogging.

Either your blog is made to runs your business or for personal interest, all what you need is to make money with your blog.

Let us help you with some simple ways to make money with your blog. Follow the steps one by one as it is provided for you.

  • That's the complete blogging tutorial that every bloggers must read and follow steps by steps to make their blog a standard one with all necessary formation to make use.

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