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Tips To Start A Cyber Cafe Business In Nigeria

How You Can Start A Cyber Cafe Business In Nigeria

Hello everyone! Hope you are good, welcome to another article where I will be narrating how you can start a Cyber Cafe business successfully in Nigeria, we all know that we are in computers age where using computers and gaining access to the internet is paramount, billions of people are signed up on Facebook and over a million of massages are sent on the same platform in a minute all over the world. Even millions of videos are uploaded and watched on the YouTube platform, WhatsApp platform too, messages are sent over it on per minute basis.

These shows that Internet is all over the whole world and it is also used for several other purposes like sending and receiving messages, learning, carrying out business transactions, graphic designing and some other purposes, some people can not do without internet because they makes huge profits on it.

Owning a cyber cafe with some necessary equipments is a great opportunity which will go long way to solve several problems in a community in which it will brings huge daily profit. In Nigeria today, almost everybody have access to the internet by making use of personal computers, mobile devices and cyber cafes.
So if you have interest in owning your cyber cafe business in Nigeria, this article is an opportunity for you because am going to tell you the full details you need to know in starting up and owning this business and how you can go about the running business. So before I proceed, I would like to define the meaning of cyber café but before I define, let me enlights you more on this cyber cafe.

Cyber cafe is a variable business in Nigeria where customers are offered access to personal computers that are connected to the Internet to pay a fee or charge for using those computers. Customers pays for using these computers for a specified amount of time in cyber cafe.

It is true that the advent of smart phone has made some negative impact on the cafe business but it is not totally eliminated it. Yes, we can now browse the Internet at a cheaper rates from our mobile devices but that's all we can do, we cannot scan, photocopy, print or standardized photos with our devices. Now let's take a look at the services offered in cyber cafe that makes them relevant in Nigeria. This services make a cyber cafe more relevant in Nigeria, the services are:
Photocopy services, Scanning services, Printing services, Graphic services, Typing and other computer services like online visa application, online job application and so on. 

So these are computer services you can not do at home unless you visit a cyber cafe, even if you have a printer at home, you cannot print out and photocopy a thousand pages document without the help of cyber cafe. 

However, if you succeed in printing out the documents, you will need to bind them, scan or laminate some of them, so you can't do all these at home. With all these I have mention, you can see that having a cyber cafe will always remain a lucrative and feasible business in Nigeria for a very long time. So without wasting much of our time, let me quickly define what a cyber cafe is and how we can start the business Successfully.

What Is A Cyber Cafe?

A Cyber Cafe which is also known as an internet cafe is a place where Internet services are offered on a public scale usually at a fee.

Owning a cyber cafe has been a highly capital intensive business venture to engage in. If you engage yourself in getting heavy broadband, install v-sat and other infrastructure, computer networking and some other things, you may still be running on/off services and you may also be running the business at a very little profit or even at a loss, it have become things of past as we have access to several Internet service providers (ISP) who provide internet services at a very cheap rates and also provide wireless services, so you do not need to do networking or install v-sat, or any of the infrastructure.

Below are the steps you need to take in running your own cyber cafe business successfully;

1. Location Of Your Shop

Location, when you consider setting up a cyber cafe business, you should locate your shop in a well known area so that people can find you easily. If your business office is swamped by other businesses, make sure you erect signboard and direction beacon so that your clients can locate you easily. Do not locate your shop in a situation where your customers will have to spend 40 minutes looking for your cyber cafe and if you want to situate your cyber cafe business, locate it in front of university gates, government office and office complexes because sales will surely move fast in those area. Do not use neighborhood that are notorious, consider the safety of your clients.

2.  Business Planning

Planning of business is very important, you must do a proper feasibility study and you must write a details business plan before you can start your cyber cafe business in Nigeria because writing this business plan will help you to know how much capital you will need to start up the business, the possible profit you intend to make within some time, where you can locate the business that improve sales, and how you intend to promote the business. This planning write up will guide you on how to start up the business Successfully

3. Registration

Register your cyber cafe business in Nigeria is very important, you should register your Internet cafe business with the corporate affairs commissione (CAC) in Nigeria and the National Communication Commission (NCC). The NCC is the agency which is responsible for registering all communication companies in Nigeria.
 If you do not register with these agency, your cyber cafe business will be seen as an illegal business and you will be shut down and persecuted by the Nigerian government. CAC registration ensures that your business is legally accepted to operate in Nigeria. So you have to register your business with them before you can start up your cyber cafe business in Nigeria. 

4. Equipments Needed in Starting up the Business

The major equipment you need to run a cyber cafe business in Nigeria is COMPUTERS, you can start with just 5/6 computers to start up the business or you can buy more depending on your capital and size of your business place. Get durable fairly used computer system units and buy flat screen monitors with high picture resolution as they are more attractive to customers.
 After buying the computer system, these are other equipment you will also need in starting up the business. Keyboards, Mouse, Web Cam, Mouth Piece, Standby Generator, A commercial Printer, Furniture Set like (computer tables, comfy seat and so on), Binding and Laminating machines, Photocopier and Scanning machine, UPS/AVR, Modem and Router, Fingerprint Scanner just for online registrations, Internet Modem, Electrical wiring and Caning, Software e.g internet cyber timer, Internet Service Provider.
All of the GSM service providers and fixed wireless networks in Nigeria now offer attractive and fast internet services that are easy to use.
All you need to do is to subscribe and buy their modems, install them in your cafĂ© and then relay the network to your computers. Before you get into a contract with any of these internet service provider make sure you do a research very well and then make sure they gave strong internet service in the area you plan to set up your cyber cafe. With all these equipment, you will able to start up the business Successfully. 

5. Invest In Training

Invest in Training, since a cyber cafe is a computer based business, people will not just come to you for the Internet access you offer. They will want you to perform other services like to design a letter head for them type their documents, scan or photocopy documents.
So you will need to be versatile in desktop publishing and graphic design to satisfy your clients needs. Therefore you need to undergo training in relevant the fields. So you have to invest training before you can start up.

6.  Profit Potentials

Profit potential in a cyber cafe business, to start up this business let's assume your business opens for 14 hours a day (8am - 9pm) for 6 days in a week except Sundays and you have 6 good functional computers, you will be charging your customers #100 to use the Internet per an hour. Assuming your computers are occupied for 11 hours out of 14 working hours per day, you will be making #1400 per hour i.e #100 per hour times 14 computers and #15,400 per day, i.e #1400 per hour times 11 working hours per day. So in a month, you will be making #369,600 on a monthly bases except Sundays

With all these steps, I hope have been able to convinced you that starting a cyber cafe business in Nigeria is highly profitable and if you have interest in it, am very sure that you will smile to bank at last.

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