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Preparation of a pineapple juice.



Step  to prepare the pineapple juice.

1) Pick the right pineapple: if your pineapple is under ripe it will be soar.if it is overripe it may be too sweet, picking the right pineapple is the most important step for making delicious pineapple juice.

2) Smell the scent:it must have a good scent if it has no scent,if it has no scent it not ripe.
3) Peel the pineapple:start at the top of the pineapple and slice through the outside,peel until you reach the bottom.

4) Remove the eyes: hold the pineapple vertically and notice how the eyes are arranged in diagonal lines.removing just the eyes will reserve largest amount of fruit.

5) Pour your pineapple chunks into a blender.

6)Blend your pineapple:At this point you want to blend until smooth.
     Try blending for 1 minutes and stop the blender and stir ur mixture with a spoon.

7) Add some ice:looking for a chilled slushier drink,add 6 to 8 ice Cubs.more ice will create a thicker drink.

7)Add water:A little bit water at the bottom of blender will help it juice the pineapple chunks.

8) Strain ur pineapple, (optional) if you tend to prefer juice without pulp, you may like to Strain your juice before you drink otherwise,it is perfectly fine to drink just the way it is.

 Serve chilled with any snacks of your choice.

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