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Fastest tip for selling PDF online Tricks

Selling PDF files  online is quite easy ,its been in vogue for a while now ,if your are looking for an extra way of making cash selling PDF files  online is good ,but you have to create the right market so as to capture readers attention this way your PDF files  will sell in no time so find a good category to write on it may be,

  • Sports
  • Comics
  • Short story
  • Ebooks fiction &non fiction
  • Catalogue
  • Brochure....e.t.c

Next is finding the right platform to sell your PDF ,here are sites you can easily sell your PDF below

1. Facebook

Facebook now allows the advert of product well if you dont know now you know and if you don't have a Facebook account go sign up now and start selling

2. Jumia

Books are sold on jumia and you can easily sell your PDF files on jumia create an account and put up your PDF file for sale

3. Konga

You can also sell your PDF files on Konga
Books are also sold on konga so all you have to do is create an account and put up your PDF for sale

4. Pay pal

Pay pal helps to market your PDF files all you have to do is;
 sigin in
Go to profile
Paste your website link they can buy it after checking it out
Thats all

5. WordPress

WordPress  is also a good place to sell your PDF files online you can just easily upload your PDD file on their site and make sales

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