Tips to post free Ads & Sell Products and Items faster on jumia Nigeria, without paying to boost Ad.
Visit Jumia market place to register for seller account if you wants to start selling your products and services on Jumia online market vendor.
Once you enter jumia site, scroll down below to the bottom of the site where you will find "Become a seller", click on it and it will takes you to the registration page to create an account for your products and services.
After you click on "Become a seller", it will take you to a page where you will be asked (Do you locate in Lagos) click on the "Yes" button, then it will show you Registration form below.
Fill in all the necessary informations required and you will be asked to confirm your email address.
Quickly login your email account to locate Jumia message and click on the "Confirm email link" then it will takes you to where you will complete your registration on Jumia and make sure you provide all the necessary details required so your account can be created.
After some hours, Jumia staff will review your business profile and once you provide all the necessary details required, your account will be approved and you can start selling your products and items on
Requirements needed to create a seller account profile and to get Approved to post free Ads on Jumia Nigeria market place
1. Use a valid email address that can be accessible.
2. Provide your current mobile telephone number.
3. Upload a standard high quality graphics design banners to showcase your products clearly and smarter.
4. Try to be real and reliable.
What to Avoid inorder not to get Application Disapproved when creating a Seller business profile for your Ad (products) on Jumia
1. Don't use nickname at where your full name is required.
2. Don't use a blur or cartoon picture and anything else, (use your own photo as profile pics).
3. Don't choose business company account if you wants to operate a personal business yourself.
4. Don't choose a category where your business products and items don't belongs to.
After you have successfully created your business profile as a seller on Jumia
First thing to do: copy your products and items link on jumia. Now, search for market and business groups on Facebook, You can join as many as you want.
Then it’s time to boost your products and items to a large audiences around the world but if you wish to focus only on 'Nigerian customers', when you want to search for groups to join on Facebook – include the phrase (Nigerian market place), (Nigerian buyers and sellers group), (Community of Nigerian traders) and so on.
You can also search depending on your products category, Facebook will brings many groups and join the one you wish.
Notes: don’t join only the groups with large numbers of members because at times if there’s too many posts in the group, customers may not see your items, so probability for your items to be seen in few number of members group is higher than the larger groups.
As I said earlier, use a "standard eye-catchy images and banners" to showcase your products and items to buyers.
Your image must convince people that have interest in your product that your services is reliable and trust worthy which you also deliver high quality products for customer’s satisfactions.
Your image must convince people that have interest in your product that your services is reliable and trust worthy which you also deliver high quality products for customer’s satisfactions.
Create at least 2 post a day, one in the morning and one in the evening and share to the group.
Provide a possible way for customers to get-in-touch with you like “Email Address”, “Phone Number” or “WhatsApp Number”. But the main target here is that you should always put your ( product page link) on the Advertisement you create on Facebook for people to know that your products and items comes from a reliable online market place in Nigeria.
Once people saw link on your advert, they will have more confident to purchase your items. The name jumia will gives people more assurance to buy from you and this name will give your products prestige on social media.
Once people saw link on your advert, they will have more confident to purchase your items. The name jumia will gives people more assurance to buy from you and this name will give your products prestige on social media.
Some people may also think you partner with jumia in the first place when they saw your advert.
You can follow the above procedure to advertise your jumia products page on Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinrest, YouTube, and other social media, including forum sites in Nigeria.
Now you will see many people visiting your products page on Jumia to order for your items. will also be happy to bring up your items to buyers that wants to purchase any products and materials on their website.
Hope this is one of the best free marketing strategies to help you sell quickly and faster in Nigeria, if yes?