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10 small business you can start with 5k - 50k in Nigeria

There are many business you can start with 5k-50 in Nigeria and it can be bringing in good and steady income for you.

Here are some of the business you can start with small capital :

1. Popcorn Production Business.

People buy snacks ever now and then, and popcorn is one of the most selling snacks, because people eat it in their home, along the road, in their shops, vehicle and even in the cinemas.

Staring popcorn business doesn’t require a shop to get started, in most cases it only requires an exposed environment.

 Popcorn business has no gender discrimination and if you get the right tools for popcorn, the business is totally stress free, also you can be making good amount of money daily if you are in a busy location.

Buy a popcorn machine, Corn, Butter, Groundnut oil, Sugar, Salt, Flavor nylon, Powdered milk, a busy road, commercial bus terminal or market and you are good to go.

2. Dry cleaning & laundry services.

For me, I don’t like giving dry cleaners my cloth till the day I bought AGBADA, oh! when i wanted to wash it.

I didn’t know where to start from, I was confused and just went to dry it, I thought I have escaped the problem till I wanted to iron it, mehn it was not a good experience at all because I ended up taking it to the nearest dry cleaner.

When I got there I thought that the dry cleaner will iron it for me so I can go with it,but to my surprise the dry cleaner told me to come back next week for it that they have a lot of work at hand, I had no choice but to go back.

You can start this business right from your home with small capital like 50k.

If you don’t have money then use you hand for the washing and iron them, I am sure you have a pressing iron already.

If you have money to invest, then you can get a washing machine and start doing it right in your home till you are able to raise cash for store rent.

3. Mini Importation Business.

Nigeria depens mainly on importation, it is shocking that Nigeria import matches and tooth picks, but we can’t do without them, so since we are not ready to produce them we have to keep importing this stuffs.

There are so many items out there to import that will interest Nigerians. 

On interview with a Nigerian importer, he stated that importation business is lucrative and every Nigerian who know how to go about it is sure of being a millionaire in nearest future importation business can be started with #20,000 to #50,000 and be sure of making #150,000 monthly, if importing the right products.

4. Live Stock Poultry Business.

Agricultural products are expensive in Nigeria because business men don’t venture in it.

You can start poultry farming right in your backyard.

You can buy a big cage that can contain up to 10 chickens, and in just 5 months you can start selling them for 3,000 naira each.

Especially during period of celebrations with #30,000 you can start this business comfortably and there is no too much stress involved but you must be doveted in taking good care of the live stocks and feeding them.

Regulary so they can grow big and strong.

5. Shawama/Barbecue Business.

This is another business you can start with small amount and be making some cool cash daily, Shawama is consumed daily.

Some people like eating barbecue or Shawama while drinking in beer parlor and also like buying for their family.

The right place for this business is a front of beer parlor, or club.

You can just find a good club or hotel around your area and negotiate with the manager and you will be given a spot to sell.
You can start shawama or barbecue business with as low as 20k.

6. Phone Accessories Business.

Phone accessories are phone stuffs like phone chargers, ear plugs, USB drive, memory card etc.

People have issues with their phone accessories every day mostly chargers.

This business is very lucrative if you are in a busy location. starting this business is not costly, you can start this business with 20,000 naira.

You must have bought charger or ear plugs before, so people are buying it always due to improper use of, people run into one problem or the other with their chargers, and require to get new ones.

If you are ready for this business you can partner up in a shop with any body that sell phones.

7. Internet business.

Another example of the high demand market and will continue to be so in the future.

Internet business might a general term and can include several other businesses.

As people want to start their businesses online, they’ll definitely need a website/blog, want to target a niche, register a domain name and host a website/blog, know about search engine optimization, article outsourcing, traffic generation etc.

If you know any of the services, you can start the business by doing it for people who don’t know how and charge them.

It could be you, where you want to start your own blogging business, and then you can find a niche you can target, begin to churn out content and in time you’ll begin to profit from it.

8. Cake and cupcake business.

Making and selling unique cake and cupcakes for occasions, party, wedding celebration is one great business idea with a great profit margin.

 The business can be started on a shoestring budget to get the tools and raw materials.

The process of mixing and baking can take place in a kitchen.

When they’re ready, you can go on to contact the restaurant, hotel, wedding planners, event planners, kid party planners, catering companies, bridal shop to let them know about your cake and cupcake you bake and sell.

One vital way to market your business is to send free of the cake and cupcakes to people who will taste the cupcakes and when they like it, they send business back your way.

9. Makeup artist.

This business one business with a high-profit margin, though it’s a business that requires great skill in order to know the right tool and application of the makeup.

The good news is, you can always learn and perfect it.

The business is a sensitive one. No one can give you her face for makeup if you’re new in the business.

In other to market yourself, you should be able to do free makeup and do a before and after shot and start posting it on social media, contact wedding planner, celebrity about your business and what you can do.

10. Decorating services.

Decorating services have come to stay.
 It’s one of the industries that virtually all type of occasion like wedding, religious programs, corporate event, road shows all decorate the event venue in colors that represents the program of the day.

You can start the decorating service by learning the skills of decorating and always strive to give the best.

Then begin to target small event for decoration and build from it.

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