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Best Blogger Templates and Themes To Design Your Blog

Best blogger themes and templates, with blog design secrets.

Here you will know how to design a blog yourself after making use of a good looking and optimize template.

Do you know that a design carry's 80% of blog Optimization. The first primary goals of every bloggers is to have a good design for his/her blog.
A Blog with good design is likely to be choose quickly by search engine in the search results. likewise readers will be comfortable to navigate through all the blog pages and keep on visiting the blog often and often.

Best themes and templates to use for blog.

Though, there are many templates in the market for bloggers, but mostly bloggers goes for the best ones. Either it is a free template or paid template.

The best template I will recommend for you is WordPress template and Sora template.
We also have much more optimize template but this two is what have tried and I see it is so good for a blog.

Goto to download sora template called -: Newser, or SoraSeo.
Or any other latest sora templates that are good for blog design.

Upload the template to your blog root directory, to apply the template on your blog.
Notes: make sure you backup the previous themes on your blog to your phone before uploading new themes because you may want to use it later in the future, or if the new template didn't apply on your blog, you can easily replace it back.
Once the template is successful uploaded, goto >> Themes >> Edit html, to adjust the template color and use your own preferable color.

Goto >> Layout, to Edit the themes gadgets or add a new blogger gadgets.
Notes: don't add any gadgets that have too much overloads of JavaScript to your blog so it wouldn't slow down your blog page load.

Use CSS and HTML code to design your blog and to add any useful links, images, and logos.

How to design blog font page header.

Allow an image to show on your blog header font page instead of title and description. Make sure the image is an edited one's that your website short description has been written on.

Don't let the image to be too big, make it a small rectangle shape of 315px width and 105px height, And text should be written clear on it.

Create a page that will contains all your pages Link and put it on the header of your blog front Page below the image.
So this will make it easy for users to navigate through your blog contents.

You can also add a shortcut with logo by making use of html at your header font page.

How to design blog article body.

Make sure your blog bring but image and articles title and description on your front page.
The page Title must be bolder or higher than the description.
Make sure you have social media sharer icon below every articles on your blog page.

Comment box for users must be below your blog articles.

Additional user reaction field can be below the blog articles.

How to design blog footer font page.

Provide About us page, Contact us page, Privacy Policy page, and other important pages to know more about your blog at the footer font page.

Provide Adspace and content categories at the font page footers.
This will make it easier for users to navigate on your blog.

Finally put your copyrights or company's name at the bottom of your blog with the year your blog was founded.

Now you have created a good looking and optimized design for your blog.

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