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SEO: How to Submit website url to google, yahoo and bing.

Webmaster tools to submit site url and links for crawl, indexing and monetization.

This is how to make google search engine, Yahoo and bing to recognize and crawl all your website pages on the search engine.

If your website haven't been introduce to search engine before, it will be difficult for your website pages to appears on google and for visitors to visit your site.

So it is very good for every site owner to work for the progress of his/her site in order to drag visitors from different region or tag a particular region or country that your contents will be useful for.

The first thing for every webmaster or Wapmasters is to create a webmaster account and make use of search console, search analytics and other tools to crawl and optimize all his web pages on google search engine, yahoo and bing search engine, and other search engines in the world.

Bringing visitors to your website is like bringing connection to your brand and businesses.
Bcos a website without visitors is like a voice that heard by No one.

Submitting your site to search engine for optimization and monetization is not only to bring visitors to your site, but to crawl and bring it as SERPs (search engine result pages), to all searchers that can make use of your website content and to digest one or two informations from your website.

 Building your site web pages is like building your house, bcos as well as you lay down your foundation will make people really knows that you care about your personalities and realities.

How to submit your site.

Copy this code below to your browser to make your website submission to search engine.

1. https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url?continue=/addurl
Or  Click here.

2. https://search.yahoo.com/info/submit.html?guccounter=1
Or  Click here.

3.  https://www.bing.com/toolbox/submit-site-url
Or  Click here.

So this will also make your site to be rank and firstly be visible among other site which are your site competitors.

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