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How to become a good actor and actress

This are the guidelines for becoming a good actor and actress of your passion.

Do you went to school of art and drama, or you learn theater practicing or you are planning to learn art and theater.

This are the guide for you to follow in order to become a successful actor or actress.

1. Focus.

Once you have the passion of becoming an actor or actress, the first thing you need to introduce to yourself is called "Focus".

You have to focus on it? And everything in your daily activities must include acting.
You must have a diary for yourself and make use of it to improve your career by putting down the various ways that will make you to achieve your goals and dreams.

• Don't downgrade yourself.
• Don't listen to people's discourage.
• Don't let a day pass without taking any steps that will help your career.
• Don't use all your time to sleep.
• Create a calendar for yourself inorder to schedule your time.
• Always put it in mind that you can do it.
• Always search online for acting skills and dramatic actions.
• Create a map skills for yourself, to know the areas you are perfect most.
• Move and associate with people that will encourage your career.

2. Theater Ethics.

• You need to create a theater ethics in yourself, for instant: from your daily calendar every 5:00pm to 6:00pm is your acting hour, don't let anything to stop you by performing your daily act on that day.

Because that day maybe the day that the inspiration which you will make use in life will be found from your rehearsal.

• When you are trying to build up your area of perfection, put all your mind in it that you can do better and has if you are in the presence of audience or judge.

• Follow and learn from the top actors and actress.

• Have a theater rules and regulations for yourself.

• Always spend your money on what that will help your career.

• Rehearsal like if you are performing your best on a performance stage.

3. How to become good actor and actress.

Becoming a good actor and actress is not something easy and not a day job.

this are the simple skills you need to acquired for becoming a good actor and actress.

• Buy or download an acting or actors dairy online, because this magazine will helps you to gain and achieve your aims.

• try to improve your skills by performing in a crowd of some people or among friends to let people comment on your performance.

• Always watch your favorite actors and actress that you are on the same role model.
And use their performance to improve your own skills.

• Whenever you have a chance to perform on a stage, or off stage, perform as if you want to receive a gold medal.

•  Always look forward to possibilities and keep yourself busy.

• Always think of the skills you need to involved inorder to meet your goals of meeting the top actor and actress.

• Stick out the area that you can perform best and based on the role, don't think of performing many roles because you can't be the best in all areas.

• build up yourself and you can also organized a show to encourage your career.

• Apart from watching TV series or movies of different actors and actress, also go to a place where you can watch live performance acting, especially institutions and drama performing group.

Many skills to become a good actor and actress will be discussed in the future, so always visit our website for latest updates.

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